Ways to give

There are many ways you can give back.
Charles Sturt University’s Alumni Give program provides plenty of opportunity for you to support students and the University community in a way that suits you.

"No-one has ever become poor by giving." 

Anne Frank

Register your interest in giving back to Charles Sturt

  • Speaking at Graduation
  • Speaking at our University events
  • Sharing my story for us to share with students and peers
  • Assisting with recruitment events and other activities
  • Assisting at Graduation, scholarship ceremonies or alumni events
  • Providing career advice or mentoring
  • Sitting on a University Board or Advisory Committee
  • Giving a guest lecture in your area of expertise
  • Providing input into program and curriculum development
  • Presenting at a professional development event
  • Providing media commentating in my area of expertise
  • Volunteer to support a range of programs and events
  • Manage an Alumni chapter, association, group or social media group

Register your interest

Through financial support (Earnings)

  • Make a one-off or ongoing donation for scholarships
  • Donate to the Charles Sturt University Foundation (to fund priority areas)
  • Donate to specific research projects
  • Provide an in-kind gift of equipment or software
  • Help us reach the target of the Annual Appeal to fund scholarships.

Give now

Contact us for more information

Get involved

Whether now or in the future, we are always keen to discuss ways you’d like to get involved.

Contact us to get involved