Stories of impact

More than financial backing, every donation made and passed on to our students sends a message of support.

It represents the hand that helps them up. It’s the encouragement to keep going, the much needed faith to spread their wings, the unspoken permission to leap and, in some cases, the very freedom to fly.

At Charles Sturt University, we humbly accept the generous gifts made by our donors, and we give our deepest thanks. Here we share with you some of the stories that have touched us along the way.


The power of generosity can never be undervalued.

Scaling the heights

Scaling the heights

Three-time scholarship recipient Mary was able to go the extra mile in her studies and life to discover the freedom in education.

Paying it forward

Paying it forward

Katie landed her dream career after studying at Charles Sturt University and paid it forward with a student scholarship.

The show goes on

The show goes on

The Blair Milan Scholarship celebrates the joyful life of a talented young actor and gathers a whole new community centre stage.

Small town girl with big dreams

Small town girl with big dreams

Pharmacy Foundation Scholarship recipient Sofoni has the right prescription to help shape the world into a better place.

In his own words

In his own words

Ben Mills explains how a bequest has made possible his lifelong dream to work with animals.

Legacy lives on

Legacy lives on

Our students explain the lasting impact of their donors’ generosity on their studies and their lives.