Fransiscus Winardi - Master of Information Technology - 2000

Fransiscus Winardi

Co-founder and CEO of Winbiztech Southeast Asia Corp 

Growing up in Jakarta, Fransiscus Winardi chose to study his Master of Information Technology at CSU in Wagga Wagga because he liked the thought of a campus in the countryside.

Taking up a role as a management consulting trainee for IBM Global Business Services in Singapore straight out of university, Fransiscus gained experience in other multinational Fortune 500 corporations before moving on to senior IT management roles for HSBC Global Banking in Jakarta.

Passionate about the environment, Fransiscus shares with us why technology drove him to establish his own consulting firm Winbiztech Southeast Asia Corp.

As a child, I was most curious about... all music styles and musical instruments. I was an ordinary student in terms of academic performance, but an outstanding music student, achieving several youth music awards.

My childhood was... that of a typical naughty boy living with an ordinary family in a hectic capital city.

My best experience at CSU... was being very well guided by my academic counsellor when I turned my study to a different degree (IT).

My worst experience at CSU... while I was studying in Wagga Wagga there were few extracurricular music activities.

At university I was inspired… by the nature and green environment in Wagga Wagga Campus. 

Today I’m motivated… to promote green technology. Our focus is on practical approaches to enabling our clients to leverage technology that realise their short and long term objectives, and give them a competitive advantage.

In my profession it is important to… be committed to leverage technology without damaging the environment. 

I never dreamed I would… become a technologist, especially when I had always wanted to be a musician.

The biggest influence in my life... was the informal education of parents and siblings and the formal education of school, college and university. There were the fundamental influences to build my personal character.

My greatest achievement is... my career acceleration prior to founding my firm. I joined three Fortune-Global-500 companies having started as a trainee and rising to top management within 10 years. 

In the future I’d like to… acquire several partners to establish a green foundation to financially and technologically support more green activities like Earth Hour, Earth Day, and Go Green.

The topic I Tweet about most is... green technology.

The best piece of advice I ever received... came from my deceased grandma about how I should behave as human for my afterlife. 

The single-most important issue in the world is… to love diversity.

My advice to young graduates starting out… your future starts with your dream and your success arrives once you make it real!

One last thing... love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality.