Kieran O'Dwyer - Bachelor of Sports Science - 2015


You would be hard pressed to find someone with more infectious enthusiasm than Kieran O’Dwyer.

Affectionately known as Coach Kizz to those he trains, Kieran is the Owner and Director of Bathurst Strength and Conditioning (BXSC).

Graduating from Charles Sturt University in 2015 with a Bachelor of Exercise Science, Kieran is an inspirational leader - driven by purpose, fuelled by passion and backed by knowledge.

“I am very proud of what we have created at Bathurst Strength and Conditioning. Through this facility we have helped thousands of people change their lives for the better. We have had the privilege of coaching high-level athletes to success, from national youth champions to jersey flag NRL teams.”

Looking back on his experience at Charles Sturt, Kieran remembers thoroughly enjoying the tutorials in the exercise science lab “It was so awesome.”

Recently the alumni community were able to benefit from Kieran’s wealth of experience when he volunteered as an ambassador for our 2021 Alumni Fun Run. Kieran and his team gave back by sharing fitness tips and technique videos with our participants.

At BXSC Kieran has hand-picked an incredible team of skilled coaches – almost all of whom are Charles Sturt alumni or current students. Eager to share his knowledge and experience, Kieran also provides opportunities for Charles Sturt placement students, giving them a taste of what real world coaching is like.

Kieran’s mission is to optimise the performance and health of everybody who walks through the BXSC doors. With 8 years of coaching experience in the bank, he knows that hard work and building persistent healthy habits are the key to success.

Beyond his current gym members, Kieran has a vision to help improve the health of everyone in his local community. “69% of Bathurst’s population don't meet the weekly guidelines for exercise and physical activity. My mission is to get that under 50%. I want to make training and physical activity the norm in Bathurst.”

In fact, Kieran is passionate about improving the health of all Australians.

“I want to change the entire culture of the way we view health as a nation. I think we need a greater emphasis on health and fitness within Government policy. If I was Prime Minister, I would focus on improving education around the benefits of diet and exercise on a medical level. I would limit fast food advertisement, subsidise gym memberships and give every Australian household vouchers for fresh produce and lean meat.”

He may not be Prime Minister (yet), but Kieran has certainly made an impact locally. In conjunction with his qualified nutritionist fiancé Elizabeth Packham, Kieran offers comprehensive wholistic health solutions for the BXSC Youth and Adult programs. The results speak for themselves. The uptake amongst the Bathurst community has been so positive that after just a few short years BXSC is about to move to a bigger and better facility in 2022. Alongside head coach and fellow alumnus Alex Carney, Kieran also has his sights set on expanding to other parts of the Central West soon. Watch this space!

He has big dreams, and we have no doubt he is going to achieve them, “I want to be remembered for never stopping and always improving people’s health.”

Follow Kieran’s story here.