Lauren Heazlewood

What was your first job after leaving University?
Lauren tried her hand at Stand up Comedy as she had an Acting for Stage and Screen degree.

Did this first job influence your career path and has your career path changed over the years?
Lauren realised that her training wasn’t enough and went back to do her Dip Ed. Since then she has taught Drama, dance, theatre, acting, music, directed production after production for both Primary (5 yrs) and Secondary (10 years) She has also taught in New York and worked with some industry professionals in the states.

What attracted you most to your current job?
The ability to transfer all of my training in Acting from Charles Sturt University into my teaching. I even use a scaffolded approach with the text book “ Free to Act”.

Where did your drive and commitment come from?
Charles Sturt University taught me to work hard but enjoy the opportunity at the same time.

What are/were the strong influences in your life?
My personal desire to achieve and to watch young people with the same passion do the same.

What advice would you give to young graduates just starting out?
I would love to come and speak to your acting 3rd yr students and show them how successful they can be within their career as teachers. I often do speaking to colleagues and run PD on using Creativity in the classroom. After all it has been 20 years since my 3rd year at Charles Sturt University!