Riz Ahmad - Master of Information Technology - 2000

Riz Ahmad

Manager Technology Development at ABC

When Riz Ahmad moved to Australia from Pakistan in 1997 he chose CSU to study his second undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Information Technology, at the University’s Wagga Wagga Campus. This quickly morphed into also studying his Master of Information Technology and a successful career leading companies in their technology development

Riz is now Manager Technology Development at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, where he manages a team of 40 technology staff and IT projects for the national broadcaster.

Here Riz explains that a career in IT means every day offers up a new challenge.

Most people in my family went to university... so it was understood I was going to go as well. I was the first to come to Australia, though, and have not looked back since.

As a child, I was most curious about... trying to repair things around the house. I was not always successful but I was very keen to look under the hood and see how things operate.

I chose CSU because… of the location as well as it being the most cost effective option at the time.

My best experience at CSU... was some of the teachers I was privileged to work with - Ken Eustace, Geoff Fellowes, Irfan Altas and our Dean, Jim Pratley, to name just a few. I was inspired by them. Especially when the chips were down, they gave me great advice that kept me going.

Today I’m motivated… by the challenges presented to us by such a rapid change in technologies and us making the best of it. Every day is a new challenge, so when you get to the end of a project and people start to realise benefits it provides a massive sense of achievement and satisfaction.

In my profession it is important to… stay calm, keep perspective and deal with any challenges methodically and professionally. 

I never dreamed I would… be where I am now. I owe it to my parents for their support and prayers.

In the future I’d like to… add value to society by doing something where I could make a difference in people’s lives. If someone remembers you long after you are gone, in good terms, I think that life is well spent.

The best piece of advice I ever received... there is always a bright morning waiting for you as long as you are patient and sensible.

The single-most important issue in the world is… tolerance towards others.

The thing I wish I had done but never got around to... is to go travelling for a while. There are so many amazing places to visit. 

One last thing... life is too short to keep a grudge or anger. Letting it go is most liberating.