Robeen Chand - Masters in Customs Administration, 2021


As the first member of his family to complete a master’s degree, Robeen is incredibly proud of his achievements. He believes the motivation and determination it took for him to succeed was drawn from the strength of his mother’s example. Growing up in a humble farming settlement, his mother taught him both the value of hard work and an appreciation for the abundant beauty in life.

“Since I was a young child, my mother has been the compass of my life and always stood by my side. Her support made me strong and taught me how to overcome the challenges in life.”

Robeen believes passion, consistency and hard work were key to his success, citing his favourite Dwayne Johnson quote “Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come".

Robeen’s studies at Charles Sturt have given him the framework to handle complex situations in his field with confidence. Customs Administration is prone to high-risk scenarios plagued with uncertainty as multiple parties connect at an international border. As such Robeen highlights that integrity and impeccable communication skills are essential for achieving mutually agreeable outcomes for all parties.

His favourite memories of his time at Charles Sturt were interacting with the international student network. The supportive engagement with fellow students from all around the world opened so many learning and development opportunities for Robeen. Understanding and appreciating the international standards for his field was invaluable for his career advancement.

When he is not at work Robeen loves to spend time with his family and enjoys long drives.