Simon Govey - Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Science) - 1998

Simon Govey

Farmer at 2,250 meters above sea level

I was an external mature age Charles Sturt student at Wagga Wagga. I had two prior careers in the lumber industry and international foreign exchange but really wanted to study something I was really interested in. I graduated in environmental science with a major in spatial data analysis. Whilst I was studying I was working in a number of different areas but this included medical market research where I would interview doctors about futuristic medical concepts. I really enjoyed chatting with doctors. and worked in the medical biotechnology field for around 15 years. My last position was as the key accounts manager for Amgen responsible for Western Australia, Northern NSW, and Queensland but again I began to get itchy feet. Time for a change!

I met my wife online and moved to Kenya 3 years ago. She just missed being able to study medicine and is now grateful she did not. She attended the prestigious Egerton University here graduating in agriculture and is just completing a master's in urban agriculture. She is of mixed tribe heritage. Tugen/Samburu/Maasai but identifies most closely with the latter.

We are farmers, although she teaches science at a secondary school as well. We live near Iten, close to the Rift Valley escarpment. Although we are only 60kms from the equator we are 2,250 meters above sea-level and the climate is a really nice 11-25 cel. Just about every day. There is thankfully no Malaria or dangerous snakes at this altitude but it is a different ball game at the foot of the Rift Valley. Very warm and also home to the largest single herd of elephants in East Africa (around 130) plus 10,000 crocodiles.

When we started farming we experimented with just about everything and still produce a wide range of fruits and vegetables including Macadamia which are doing well. We have poultry, Dorper sheep, dairy cows, and fish but also tortoise, parrots and pet wild cats and dogs I take tourists to visit the amazing game reserves here or to visit people who still live tribally. It is a very friendly place. I also work with The Kenyan Wildlife Service and vet mates to understand what and where the local wildlife is. We have an Aardvark and mongoose living on the farm and there are the beautiful Serval cats in the area.

Needless to say, I am enjoying life and there is never a dull moment!

Hakuna Matata